Terms and Conditions
ResearchVideos LLC
Terms of Use and Services
version: 23 Jan. 2024


1. Introduction

2. Conclusion of agreement

3. The extent of the service

4. User Responsibilities

5. Export control legislation

6. Intellectual property rights

7. Modifications to the Service

8. Modifications to these Terms

9. Termination

10. Compensation

11. Relevant legislation

12 Billing and Payment

13. RVcoins

14. Miscellaneous

15. There is no guarantee, warranty, release, or limitation of liability

16. The agreement to arbitrate, class action waiver, and release

17. Relevant United States legislation

18. Legal problems that are not subject to arbitration can be resolved in this venue.

1- Introduction

ResearchVideos LLC ("ResearchVideos", "we", "us", or "our") offers the services provided on www.ResearchVideos.net and all other websites operated by ResearchVideos, including associated applications, such as mobile applications, and services ("Service"). You can find the contact information for ResearchVideos here .

ResearchVideos is dedicated to disseminating research content through online videos and bridging the gap between the public and the fields of research and development. Our goal is to make research outputs accessible to a wider audience by utilizing digital media tools, including digital animations, audios, and videos. Our Service publishes your work and research video on the platform to effectively connect you and your research output with a wider public audience. We additionally collect data from external sources to effectively distribute a substantial amount of pertinent scientific knowledge, hence propelling research advancement. Any individual or entity that, as a recipient of the Service, accesses or utilizes the Service for any reason is considered a User ("User", "you"). Our registered Users (“Members”, “Authors”, “Reviewers”, “Editors”) have the privilege to share their professional identities, display their videos and scientific research findings, actively participate and cooperate with Us, exchange valuable knowledge and professional insights, and contribute and access relevant content. Additionally, certain content is accessible to anyone who has neither registered or signed out, commonly referred to as "Visitors".

2- Conclusion of agreement

These Terms establish a legally enforceable contract between ResearchVideos and all its Users. By accessing the Service, you are required to adhere to these Terms. Moreover, Visitors are required to give their consent to these Terms in order to utilize a specific, restricted set of features on the Service. The Terms are binding on Members upon our acceptance of your offer to enter into a binding agreement with us. This occurs when you complete the registration procedure, and after we confirm your successful registration for the Service.

The Service is exclusively accessible to those who have reached the age of 18 or above. Users who are below the age of 18 are prohibited from utilizing or trying to register for the Service.

3- The extent of the service

The Service offers you the capability to stream scientific videos online solely on our platform. The Service offers you the capability to publish ("submit", "submitting", or "submission") content, articles, audios, videos, data, text, photographs, images, illustrations on or to the Service.

The Service furthermore offers you features that facilitate your scientific endeavors. In order to maximize assistance, the Service considers information on your status as a Member, your Member Submissions, and your behavior on the Service when making content suggestions and delivering other features of the Service. By employing this approach, we can provide you with tailored suggestions for videos, material, and features that could be beneficial to your needs. Maintaining precise and up-to-date profile information enables us to enhance the accuracy and relevance of these recommendations.

To obtain additional details regarding our data processing, kindly consult our Privacy Policy .

ResearchVideos will not be a party to any agreements made by Users with other Users or with any third party through the Service. It is the users' exclusive responsibility to carry out and/or satisfy the agreements they engage in. ResearchVideos assumes no responsibility for any violations of duty pertaining to such agreements. In the event of a disagreement between yourself and a third party, it is understood that ResearchVideos has no responsibility and is not obligated or required to intervene.

The Service mostly comprises information that is uploaded by Authors or stored upon their request. The peer-review process concerns only the scientific content of the video. Hence, we possess no capacity to possess up-to-date awareness of potential infringements, unsuitable material, or breaches of the law resulting from video and text submitted by and/or stored at the request of Members. We bear no responsibility for such information ( Digital Millennium Copyright Act, 17 U.S.C. section 512; Article 14 of Directive 2000/31/EC ). Upon acquiring knowledge or awareness of such infringements, we will promptly take action to remove or disable access to the respective information. Refer to our Copyright Policy for instructions on reporting content.

4- User Responsibilities

ResearchVideos is dedicated to disseminating novel research discoveries or highlighting published research studies through the medium of digital videos, including 2D, 360°, and VR formats, utilizing various rigorous review procedures.

ResearchVideos accepts the submission and publishing of new research studies or of published open-access journal papers that have been licensed under the BB-CY license: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/deed.en . These publications will be available in the form of 2D, 360°, and VR movies. For the legitimacy of the scientific community and the reputation of researchers, it is imperative that Members disclose their authentic names and genuine affiliations. You are required to supply exclusively accurate and unambiguous statements and utilize your own identity; the usage of pseudonyms or pen names is prohibited. You are prohibited from accepting, adopting, or publishing any content that fraudulently or deceptively suggests an incorrect identity, inaccurate biographical details, or misleading information regarding your research, qualifications, job experience, granted funds, or accomplishments.

You affirm and declare that any personal data you supply is precise. You are required to promptly update such data in the event of any changes. When opting to utilize a profile photo, it is imperative that you select an image in which your identity is easily visible and for which you possess the requisite usage and license rights. The inclusion of multiple individuals, other people, animals, text, graphics, or any unlawful content is strictly prohibited.

It is your responsibility to ensure that the use or other exploitation of any Member Submissions by you, as described in these Terms, does not infringe or violate the rights of any third party. This includes, but is not limited to, privacy rights, publicity rights, patents, copyrights, contract rights, or any other intellectual property or proprietary rights. With the exception of Member Submissions that solely consist of content in the public domain, you assert and assure, and can substantiate to our complete satisfaction upon request, that (i) you possess or otherwise have control over all necessary rights or licenses to submit or share all content in your Member Submissions, and you give consent to the utilization of such content as outlined in these Terms, and (ii) you possess full authority to act on behalf of all owners of any right, title, or interest in and to any content in your Member Submissions, in order to use such content as outlined in these Terms. As corresponding author, you consent that you are representing all yourself and all co-authors in the submitted video and text.

It is imperative that you comprehend that the entirety of the material that is made available to the public or transmitted privately over the Service is the exclusive responsibility of the individual who submitted such content. We shall not bear responsibility for any inaccuracies or omissions in such content. In our sole discretion, we possess the authority to delete, modify, demote, or reformat any materials, content, or information submitted by you, if we deem it necessary or appropriate. This includes situations where we determine that the content may pose harm or potential legal liability to us, or if it violates these Terms. We are unable to provide a guarantee regarding the legitimacy of any Member Submission. You recognize that any content you access while using the Service is entirely your responsibility, and you will bear full liability for any harm or detriment caused to any person as a result of your access to, or inability to access, said content.

You comprehend that, based on your preferences, your profile details, account actions, or Member Submissions are accessible to the public. It is important to recognize that in such a scenario, you acknowledge the possibility of your information being shared with third parties, such as other Members, marketing agencies, or Visitors. It is crucial to understand that we have no control over these third parties. To obtain additional details, kindly see our Privacy Policy .

You are required to consistently maintain the confidentiality of your password. ResearchVideos will never reveal your password to any other entity and will only request it during the login procedure. You bear full responsibility for any activity conducted through your account, unless you choose to terminate it or report any instances of unauthorized usage.

Under no circumstances should you disseminate, disclose, rent, share, trade, or grant access to any information derived from the Service to any external entity, unless such distribution or disclosure is explicitly permitted within the framework of and in compliance with the Service. Users are strictly prohibited from commercializing any information provided within the Service.

You are strictly prohibited from storing, processing, or utilizing any personal data of another User for any purpose other than its intended use within the Service as provided by the relevant User.

When using or accessing the Service, you are prohibited from:

  • posting any content that is false, inaccurate, dishonest, misleading, manipulative, deceptive, defamatory, or libelous;

  • posting or uploading video content that includes copyrighted information from other parties (such as figures, videos, animations and text that are protected by copyright).

  • utilizing the Service to perturb, torment, mistreat, belittle, disgrace, offend, intimidate, or dispatch other undesirable communications to others (including ResearchVideos), encompassing but not restricted to unsolicited romantic propositions, unsolicited emails, solicitations to purchase or sell, unsolicited messages, chain letters, deceitful or excessively numerous messages;

  • disclosing personal information about someone else such as their email address, phone number, identity number or document, photograph, or medical records, unless you have a valid legal reason to do so;

  • posting secret or proprietary material, private communications, or other information that you are not authorized to disclose;

  • sharing content that encompasses hate speech, including, but not limited to, content that targets individuals based on their race, ethnicity, national origin, political or religious affiliation, sexual orientation, sex, gender, gender identity, age, immigration status, impairments or diseases;

  • posting or sharing any explicit, offensive, or improper materials that violate laws protecting minors or engage in sexually suggestive communication.

  • You are not authorized to transfer your ResearchVideos account to another party without our explicit consent, nor are you allowed to operate an account under a fake name or identity.

  • You are not allowed to distribute or promote advertising or commercial promotional content, or transmit unsolicited promotional content, advertising, employment offers, or business proposals, unless explicitly permitted by other ResearchVideos rules that you have agreed to.

  • Commercializing any ResearchVideos application or any associated material or software is strictly prohibited without the prior written authorization of ResearchVideos.

  • Do not post or fulfill requests for unlawful copyrighted material (such as films, audios, software, books, publications) or "pirated" or "cracked" versions of software.

  • Do not upload content with the principal intention of directing Users to external web sites, domains, or applications, unless explicitly allowed under other ResearchVideos conditions that you have accepted.

  • Do not deliberately disseminate viruses, worms, or other malware capable of damaging, disrupting, or gathering data from others' computer devices.

  • Do not burden ResearchVideos with excessive administrative tasks, such as sending an excessive amount of communications or reports to our Support Team.

  • Do not utilize any automated methods, such as robots, spiders, scrapers, data mining tools, or other means, to access our Service without the explicit written consent of ResearchVideos.

  • You are not permitted to block, overwrite, edit, or copy any contents of the Service.

  • Do not encourage or facilitate any other person to engage in any of the aforementioned activities.

5- Export control legislation

We assert that the materials provided in the Service may not necessarily be suitable or accessible for usage in any specific place. Individuals who opt to access or utilize the Service do so under their own will and bear the responsibility of adhering to all relevant local legislations. This includes, in the case of being situated in the United States, any pertinent export control or foreign assets control requirements.

6- Intellectual property rights

The software operating the Service, the design and content of the site, the logos and other visuals, text, videos, images and other writings, as well as the database, are safeguarded by copyright, trademark, and other intellectual property laws in several jurisdictions. To obtain information regarding the safeguarding of Intellectual Property on the Service, kindly refer to our Intellectual Property Policy .

7- Modifications to the Service

We retain the authority to change the Service or provide services that differ from those available at the moment of the User's registration at any given time, specifically in situations such as, but not restricted to, the following:

  • We present enhancements to our Service.

  • In accordance with the necessary legal obligations, particularly in the event of any modifications to these laws.

  • If necessary, we will comply with any legal order or decision issued by a government authority.

  • In order to address any potential security vulnerabilities, the necessary modifications will be made.

8- Modifications to these Terms

We have the authority to modify the Terms at any given moment. You shall be bound by the amended conditions upon your explicit agreement to them, or upon our provision of notice regarding the modifications. We shall duly notify you of such information by means of an email and/or by a notification on the Service. Changes will be effective thirty days from the time they are posted, unless otherwise stated. It is imperative that you periodically monitor your account for any notifications regarding modifications to these Terms. If you choose to continue utilizing your Account after the designated notice period, it is acknowledged that you are consenting to be legally obligated by these modifications.

If you disagree with the revised terms, it is imperative that you close your account.

Should a dispute arise between us, the terms that are in place at the moment we are officially notified of the dispute will be applicable.

9- Termination

You have the ability to cancel the contractual relationship at any given time, without providing a reason, by your request to delete your account. To ensure the security of your account, we may need to conduct an identity verification process prior to approving your request for account deletion.

ResearchVideos has the right to be promptly and decisively terminated for valid reasons at any given moment. Extraordinary termination for justifiable reasons is characterized as an occurrence that renders it inadmissible for the party terminating the agreement to uphold it until the termination time concludes, considering all the facts of the specific case and carefully evaluating the interests of both parties. ResearchVideos is dedicated to supporting a wide range of events that serve as compelling reasons to contribute to our cause. These events include, but are not limited to:

  • The Member does not adhere to the relevant legal regulations;

  • The Member violates a contractual duty stated in these Terms;

  • The online presence of the Member has the potential to significantly damage the reputation of the Service.

  • The Member endorses communities or associations, as well as their techniques or activities, that are accused of a crime or are under the watch of authorities responsible for public safety or the safeguarding of minors.

  • The Member exposes ResearchVideos to potential risks or legal liabilities.

In the event of a justifiable reason and despite our ability to end the agreement, we have the right to:

  • Alter, modify or delete permanently the Member Submissions;

  • Suspend, limit, restrict, or prevent the Member's access to the Service.

  • Implement appropriate technical and/or legal measures to prohibit the Member from utilizing our Service.

10- Compensation

Users are responsible for compensating and safeguarding ResearchVideos (including our affiliates and subsidiaries, as well as our and their respective officers, directors, employees, and agents) from any claim or request, including reasonable legal fees, made by any third party as a result of or arising from your violation of these Terms, your improper utilization of the Service, or your violation of any law or infringement of a third party's rights.

11- Relevant legislation

These Terms shall be governed by the laws of the United States of America, excluding its conflicts of laws principles and the CISG (United Nations Convention on the International Sale of Goods). ResearchVideos is a Limited Liability Company (LLC) registered in California and is subject to the laws of California, governed by the United States of America.

This applies to international jurisdiction, venue for legal disputes, and consumer dispute resolution for foreign members residents of countries outside the United States or outside the state of California.

12- Billing and Payment

  • ResearchVideos will bill non-free online items (regular type videos) and membership online subscriptions including taxes and transaction fees. The duration of your billing cycle is contingent upon the specific subscription option you selected during the registration process. Membership fees are completely received upon payment. Occasionally, the payment date may undergo modifications. In addition to wiretransfer and RVcoins payment methods, ResearchVideos use additional payment methods that are powered by Paypal® for debit or credit card payments and online subscription payments. Users paying online via a paypal powered method will receive an automatic email from Paypal® that details their online purchase history.

  • In order to utilize the ResearchVideos online payment services, it is imperative that you select one or more Payment Methods. You grant us (via Paypal) the authority to debit any Payment Method linked to your account if your primary Payment Method is rejected or becomes inaccessible for payment of your subscription fee. You are accountable for any outstanding balances. If a payment fails to be settled and you choose not to terminate your account, we reserve the right to temporarily suspend your access to the service until we are able to successfully charge a valid Payment Method. Certain fees, such as foreign transaction fees or other fees related to the processing of your Payment Method, may be charged by the issuer for some Payment Methods. Kindly consult Payment Method service provider for further information.

  • You have the ability to terminate your ResearchVideos subscription at any given moment, and you will maintain uninterrupted access to the ResearchVideos platform until the conclusion of your current billing cycle.

  • Our subscription plans and service prices may be subject to occasional changes. However, any modifications to the price or subscription plans will only take effect after a notice period of at least 30 days. If you are unwilling to accept the alteration in price or modification to your subscription plan, you have the option to terminate your subscription prior to the implementation of the change.

  • Payments are strictly nonrefundable, and no refunds or credits will be issued for membership periods that have been partially utilized. Upon cancellation, you will still retain access to the service until the conclusion of your ongoing paying cycle. We reserve the right to offer refunds, discounts, or other forms of compensation to our members at our discretion, without any limitations or restrictions. The allocation and format of these credits, as well as the determination to grant them, rest solely and entirely within our discretion. Providing credits in one case does not grant you credits in the future for comparable situations, nor does it compel us to award credits in the future, under any circumstances.

13- RVcoins

  • The utilization of RVcoins is constrained to the reception of rewards from ResearchVideos for diverse editing and reviewing responsibilities on researchvideos.net.

  • Accumulated RVcoins may be expended by users for acquiring various non-free items on ResearchVideos, encompassing videos and subscription plans.

  • Possessors of RVcoins are not entitled to petition for any conversion of their RVcoins into alternative currencies or cryptocurrencies, unless explicitly stipulated in the Terms and Conditions of Use by ResearchVideos. This restriction is in adherence to the RVcoins project roadmap outlined on rvcoins.net.

14- Miscellaneous

All administrative emails from ResearchVideos will be promptly delivered to the Member's currently registered primary email address. If the last email address you gave is invalid or unable to deliver the notice for whatever reason, our sending of the email containing the notice will still be considered as legitimate notice.

We have the authority to transfer rights and obligations to third parties, either in their entirety or partially. Should ResearchVideos fail to take action in response to a violation of these Terms, it should not be construed as a relinquishment of ResearchVideos' rights to enforce these Terms.

If any term or part of these Terms is deemed invalid, unlawful, unenforceable, or conflicts with the law of any relevant jurisdiction, the remaining sections will remain valid, legal, and enforceable without any negative impact.

The English-language version of these Terms is the only version available and legally binding.

The presentation of logos or appellations pertaining to companies, universities, entities, institutions, and other commercial and non-commercial enterprises ("Businesses") on our main page or anywhere on the website should not be construed as indicative of any endorsement, partnership, or support, whether from or to these Businesses. Such depictions are exclusively intended for the purpose of guiding our users towards valuable tools for research and the preparation of scientific video and audio content.

If you are a resident of the United States, the Additional Terms of Service ("Additional U.S. Terms") are applicable to you (refer to sections 16-19), which INCLUDES A MANDATORY ARBITRATION CLAUSE IN SECTION 17 . The following Additional U.S. Terms shall prevail to the extent that they are inconsistent with any earlier Terms.

15- There is no guarantee, warranty, release, or limitation of liability

The Service is supplied in its current state, and we disclaim any and all representations and warranties, whether explicitly stated or implied, including, but not limited to, implied warranties of title, merchantability, fitness for any specific purpose, or non-infringement. We cannot guarantee any certain results, impacts, or outcome from utilizing the Service. We can confidently state that the Service and the data and information given are not guaranteed to be accurate, up-to-date, full, or dependable.

You fully realize and accept that you bear complete responsibility for your utilization of the Service and the information. Recognizing this, you acknowledge and agree that, within the boundaries allowed by applicable law, neither we (including our affiliates and subsidiaries, as well as our and their respective officers, directors, employees, and agents) nor any of our suppliers or licensors will be held liable to you for any direct, indirect, incidental, special, consequential, punitive, exemplary, or other types of damages, including but not limited to damages for loss of profits, goodwill, use, data, or any other tangible or intangible losses, or any other damages based on contract, tort (including negligence), strict liability, or any other legal theory (even if we have been informed of the possibility of such damages). These damages may arise from your use of or inability to use the Service and/or the data; unauthorized access to or alteration of your transmissions or data; any actions we take or fail to take because of communications you send us; human errors; viruses; or technical malfunctions. Without any exceptions stated in this document, our responsibility towards you for any reason and regardless of the type of legal action, will always be restricted to the greater of the amount you have paid us for using the Service in the previous twelve (12) months or one hundred dollars ($300). Certain legislation prohibits the restriction or omission of liability; hence these limitations may not be applicable to you. Nevertheless, if you happen to be a resident of the State of New Jersey, it is indeed applicable that these limitations and exclusions are applicable to you.

In the event that you find yourself in a disagreement with one or more Users, you hereby absolve us (along with our affiliates and subsidiaries, as well as our and their respective officers, directors, employees, and agents) from any and all claims, demands, and damages (both actual and consequential) of any sort, whether known or unknown, that may arise as a result of or in relation to such disputes. By agreeing to this release, you explicitly relinquish any safeguards (whether mandated by law or otherwise) that would otherwise restrict the scope of this release to encompass solely those claims that you may be aware of or suspect to be in your favor at the time of consenting to this release.

16- The agreement to arbitrate, class action waiver, and release

Please carefully review this section as it has the potential to greatly impact on your legal rights, including your ability to file a lawsuit in court and have a jury hear your claims. In order to efficiently and effectively handle disputes, both parties have agreed that any legal or equitable claim arising from or related to your use of the Service or these Terms, as well as the creation, validity, enforceability, scope, or applicability of these Terms will be resolved in the following manner:

  • Amicable Settlement: We shall initially endeavor to address any Claim by informal means. Consequently, it is imperative that neither party initiates a formal legal action (with the exception of Claims outlined in the "Exceptions" section below) until a minimum of 60 days has elapsed following written notification of a Claim. The Notice of the Claim shall encompass a concise written declaration that outlines the identity, residence, and contact details of the party issuing it, the circumstances that have led to the disagreement, claim, or conflict, and the desired remedy. You are required to send your notice via email to contact(a)ResearchVideos(dot)net as well as to the following address:

ResearchVideos LLC

Copyright Department

2108 N ST, STE N

Sacramento CA, 95816

We shall dispatch our notification via email to the email address linked to your account. However, it is important to note that the notice and 60-day negotiating time mentioned in this paragraph do not apply to disputes, claims, or controversies related to patents, copyrights, moral rights, trademarks, trade secrets, and claims of piracy or unauthorized use of the Service.

  • Official Resolution: With the exception of the circumstances outlined in the "Exceptions" section below, in the event that we are unable to reach a resolution for a claim through informal means, any claim brought forth by any party shall be exclusively addressed through binding arbitration rather than in general jurisdiction courts. The arbitration shall be carried out in accordance with the current JAMS Rules at the time of initiation, as well as the rules outlined in these Terms. In the event of a dispute between the JAMS Rules and the rules outlined in these Terms, the rules outlined in these Terms shall prevail. By choosing arbitration, you are relinquishing your entitlement to a trial by jury. In arbitration, you have the option to pursue all remedies that are typically accessible to you under the laws of your state.

If you, as a User, utilize the Service exclusively for personal, non-commercial purposes and not in a professional capacity, and opt to commence arbitration on your own behalf as an individual ("Personal User"), we commit to reimbursing your arbitration initiation fee, as well as any supplementary deposit mandated by JAMS to initiate the arbitration process. We thus affirm our agreement to bear the expenses associated with the arbitration process. Additional charges, such as legal fees and travel expenses for arbitration, will be covered in accordance with the guidelines set by JAMS. The arbitration shall take place at a venue within your local vicinity, unless both parties mutually consent to another location or opt for telephonic arbitration. In order to commence an arbitration, either you or we are required to do the following steps:

  • Compose a Demand for Arbitration. The demand should encompass a comprehensive statement of the Claim as well as the precise amount of damages sought for recovery.

  • Please send three copies of the Demand for Arbitration, along with the requisite filing fee, to the following address: ResearchVideos, located at 2108 N ST STE N, Sacramento, CA, 95816 and a scanned copy to contact(a)ResearchVideos(dot)net

For a Professional User who utilizes the Service in a professional capacity for an educational institution or legal entity, if you choose to commence arbitration related to your professional use of the Service, you will be obligated to cover the arbitration initiation fee and any supplementary deposit mandated by JAMS to initiate the arbitration process. You are also obligated to cover the expenses associated with the arbitration process. Additional charges, such as legal fees and costs related to travel for the arbitration, shall be compensated in line with the regulations set by JAMS. The arbitration shall take place in San Francisco, California, unless both parties mutually consent to an alternative venue or telephone arbitration. In order to initiate an arbitration, either you or we are required to complete the following steps:

  • Compose a Demand for Arbitration. The demand should encompass a comprehensive description of the Claim as well as the precise amount of damages being sought for recovery.

  • Please send three copies of the Demand for Arbitration, along with the requisite filing fee, to the following address: ResearchVideos, located at 2108 N ST STE N, Sacramento, CA, 95816 and a scanned copy to contact(a)ResearchVideos(dot)net

During the arbitration process, the arbitrator lacks the power to commit legal errors, and any decision can be contested if the arbitrator does so. Furthermore, the decision made by the arbitrator is ultimately conclusive and obligatory for all parties involved and can be legally enforced in any federal or state court with appropriate authority. Neither you nor we have the right to participate in or combine claims in arbitration with other persons or entities or arbitrate any claim as a representative member of a class or in a private attorney general capacity. Consequently, both parties acknowledge and concur that the JAMS Class Action Procedures are not applicable to our arbitration.

However, it is important to note that any disagreements, claims, or disputes related to patents, copyrights, moral rights, trademarks, trade secrets, and allegations of piracy or unauthorized use of the Service, including disputes involving a violation of the Communications Act of 1934, 47 U.S.C. § 605, or the Digital Millennium Copyright Act, 17 U.S.C. § 1201, or the Electronic Communications Privacy Act, 18 U.S.C. §§ 2510-2521, or any other regulation or law governing theft of service, will not be resolved through arbitration as outlined in Section 1 6. Instead, these matters will be exclusively handled by a court with appropriate jurisdiction. Furthermore, you have the option to assert your claim in a small claims court, provided that both ResearchVideos and yourself meet the necessary requirements for jurisdiction and venue. It is important to note that your claim should not involve any request for equitable relief.

As a Personal User, you possess the privilege to decline and be exempt from the obligatory arbitration provision by submitting written notification of your choice to opt out to the email address contact(a)ResearchVideos(dot)net . The notice must be dispatched within a span of 60 days from the effective date of these Terms or from your initial utilization of the Service, whichever occurs later. By choosing to decline the binding arbitration provision, we will likewise not be obligated to adhere to the obligation. Professional Users are not permitted to opt out of the mandatory binding arbitration requirements.

We shall duly notify you of any modifications to this section with a 60-days advance notice. The changes will take effect on the 60th day and will only apply to future claims that arise after that date.

17- Relevant United States legislation

The U.S. Federal Arbitration Act, along with its procedural rules, is the governing law that will be utilized to ascertain the enforceability of Section 1 6 and its proper interpretation.

In addition, if you are a resident of the United States, these Terms and our relationship shall be subject to the laws of California, with the exception of its conflicts of laws rules.

18- Legal problems that are not subject to arbitration can be resolved in this venue.

Should you be a resident of the United States, any judicial actions that fall outside the scope of the Arbitration Agreement in Section 1 6 must be initiated in a state or federal court situated in San Francisco, California, unless an alternative location is mutually agreed upon. Both you and ResearchVideos willingly agree to the jurisdiction and venue in Sacramento, California.

ResearchVideos LLC
Privacy Policy
version: 23 Jan. 2024


1. Introduction

2. The information we handle

3. Use of collected data

4. Our utilization of pertinent data that is accessible to the public

5. The information we handle when using cookies and pixels

6. Advertisements on ResearchVideos

7. Recipients and protections

8. Terminating your account and retention of personal data

9. Contact details

1- Introduction

ResearchVideos LLC ("ResearchVideos", "we", "us", or "our") offers the services provided on www.ResearchVideos.net and all other websites operated by ResearchVideos, including associated applications, such as mobile applications, and services ("Service"). You can find the contact information for ResearchVideos on the main “Contact Us” webpage .

ResearchVideos maintains the authority to amend this Privacy Policy at any given time, specifically to accommodate alterations in market conditions that impact ResearchVideos's operations, advancements in technology, modifications in pertinent laws and regulatory obligations, and enhancements in ResearchVideos's system capabilities. If we implement substantial modifications to our Privacy Policy, we will duly inform Members via email or other appropriate methods, such as alerts on our Service. If you have any objections to any updated version, it is advisable that you discontinue the use of our Service and/or terminate your account. By persisting in utilizing our Service subsequent to receiving such notification, you will be considered to have recognized the Privacy Policy.

2- The information we handle

When you access the Service, certain data will be processed in order to effectively address any technical issues with your device, display the website, and ensure the safety and security of our systems. This data is saved in logs, commonly referred to as logs, and consists of the following:

  • IP addresses and the Identifier for Advertising (IDFA) of your mobile device;

  • the type, operating system, and version of the computer or mobile device you are using;

  • information regarding the browser you are now using, the language settings, and your country of residence.

  • Analyzing and identifying referring and exit sites and URLs;

  • Platform classification;

  • The number of clicks on a page or feature, the pages visited and their sequence, the duration of time spent on specific pages or sections of pages;

  • Domain names and;

  • Data gathered for performance analysis, such as average load and page render times.

While IP addresses and mobile IDs are commonly recognized as personal data, it is important to note that no direct inferences may be made about your identity based on this information.

The data processed is of a rudimentary nature and does not encompass any personally identifying information pertaining to yourself. We possess a valid interest in ensuring the provision of a fully operational, dependable, and easily accessible website, as well as effectively addressing your server-request.

Rest assured that all our pages are safeguarded with SSL (Secure Socket Layer) technology, ensuring the encryption of data exchanged between our servers and your end devices. We implement further appropriate technical and organizational precautions to safeguard your personal data.

To offer you the desired features, we must process specific data and/or information pertaining to you:

  • The registration and upkeep of your member account: When opting to establish a member account on our Service, it is imperative that you furnish your first and last name, an email address, and a password as part of the registration procedure. You can expect to receive a confirmation email. Your member account will be verified once you have clicked on the corresponding link in the email for activating your account. You will also have the opportunity to associate specific information that we provide to you with your account, including films, audios, publications, institutional affiliation, and biographical information.

  • Additional personal information: While registering or upgrading your profile, you have the option to furnish additional details that can be utilized for identification and/or communication purposes. These may include a profile photo, your Twitter and LinkedIn (or other social media profiles) account handle, or your city of residence. You may additionally receive invitations or be obligated to furnish details about yourself, encompassing, for instance, demographic data like occupation, as well as your research background, education, authorship of multimedia content, articles, or academic works, expertise or interests in academia or research, conferences you have participated in, affiliations with various groups, information pertaining to your professional and academic trajectory, academic qualifications, previous positions and employments, and ongoing activities and interests.

  • 3 rd party platform: Feel free to opt for either your personal or professional email to establish an account and access your ResearchVideos profile. By providing your social network profile account details, you are granting ResearchVideos permission to request and utilize specific data from the third-party account. We will confidently handle your email address and public profile information for Google, LinkedIn, Twitter, and Facebook. ResearchVideos may request your consent to share this data through the third-party platform. The personal data that we may process was initially obtained by the third-party platform. The initial data processing and exchange with ResearchVideos are regulated by the privacy policy of that third-party platform. To disconnect the connection between ResearchVideos and the third-party platform, kindly consult the appropriate third-party platform and/or its settings.

  • Interactions with our organization: When you engage in communication with us, you have the opportunity to furnish us with your name, contact information, and additional personal data. This includes the substance of your message. Likewise, as we engage in communication with you, we shall duly handle your personal information, including your email address. In certain instances, we also analyze data to determine if you have accessed the email.

  • Suggestions: To offer our recommendation features, we analyze contact and bibliographical data, details about your work, frequency of usage, the devices you utilize to access the Service (such as browser, operating system, and mobile device), the research items you have accessed, your interaction with specific pages or sections of pages, and the number of clicks on a page or feature. This enables us to provide the Service in a manner that is customized to your preferences. Furthermore, with the personal data you furnish, we are able to make informed assessments, do complex calculations, and make forecasts, so enabling us to generate further insights and enhance our suggestion capabilities. By adding multiple research items to the Service over an extended period of time, it can be inferred that you have progressed beyond the level of a junior researcher.

  • External service providers: By opting to take advantage of a service or offer provided by ResearchVideos on behalf of a third party, you have the opportunity to share your personal data with ResearchVideos. This will allow us to transmit the information to the third party. The composition of personal data will vary based on the specific service or offer, but could encompass your name, email address, and affiliation. We refrain from disclosing any of this personal data to any third party unless you specifically grant us permission to do so.

  • Ensuring security: We analyze the quantity of profile pages that users access in order to identify and thwart data harvesting. We additionally utilize your IP address to effectively screen and eliminate any dubious inquiries. As a member, we securely retain your complete IP address when you submit your account registration request and during your most recent login. Furthermore, your login actions are exclusively retained in association with your abbreviated IP addresses. Furthermore, we meticulously analyze data pertaining to your device, including its operating system and the browser you are currently utilizing.

  • Statistical analysis: We utilize activity data, such as the quantity of publications read, projects undertaken, and citations received, to develop statistics that pertain to reading habits or accomplishments. As an illustration, we can utilize this activity data to accurately compute and represent the number of times a publication has been read on a specific page.

3- Use of collected data

The personal data we gather from you is in coherence with applicable legal grounds under California Data Protection and Freedom Act ( https://cppa.ca.gov/ ). Your data is used to:

  • deliver and enhance our Service;

  • conduct internal quality assessments;

  • proactively address, identify, handle, and examine malfunctions, incidents, fraudulent or other illegal acts, or reduce the likelihood of such occurrences happening;

  • guarantee the security of the network and information;

  • generate statistical data regarding access channels and the utilization of our Service;

  • ensure compliance with the obligations owed to us, as well as contractual terms and conditions;

  • perform accounting, risk management, and record keeping.

We will utilize your data to fulfill our legal requirements, such as adhering to the mandated retention periods outlined by trade or tax law, as well as complying with obligations to reveal data as dictated by legally binding court decisions or official orders.

To be more precise, we shall utilize your data for the subsequent objectives:

  • Your personal data, which you offer when registering for your member account, will be utilized to establish, uphold, and safeguard your account. By creating a member account, you will have access to a range of features and services that are exclusive to Members and not accessible to Visitors. Providing any more personal data, beyond the needed information for account registration, will enhance your ability to connect with other Members, promote your study and yourself, and receive more targeted recommendations from our recommendation services. Your ResearchVideos account is readily accessible to all other Members. However, you have the authority to specify the extent of information you choose to disclose to other Members. This may be done through your Privacy settings and by selectively adding information to your profile. Your account can be easily located by other Members through our search functionality and may be suggested to them through our suggestion features. We will also honor your preferences on the information you wish to disclose to other Members in these functionalities. You have the ability to ascertain whether your account is openly accessible to Visitors (and consequently susceptible to getting cataloged by search engines). When you buy a Paid Product that requires an account, we will link your account to the purchase information. This allows us to manage your purchases, offer you appropriate assistance, and control your access to the Paid Product.

  • We will utilize your name, email address, telephone number, and the content of your past communications to effectively address your communication and offer the necessary support.

  • Assuming you have not chosen to exclude yourself from receiving transactional emails from us, we will utilize your email address to deliver emails pertaining to significant advancements on the Service. These may include updates regarding your network, new features, publications, projects, updates from the Q&A section, as well as emails concerning your professional career.

  • You have the ability to unsubscribe from receiving transactional emails at any given moment by simply clicking on the "unsubscribe" link provided inside the email or by accessing your account settings.

  • If you have given your prior approval to receiving sponsored communications, we will utilize your email address to send you these emails. Where permitted by law, we will utilize your email address to send you sponsored emails without requiring your previous consent. Rest assured; you have the option to discontinue receiving sponsored emails at your convenience. Simply click on the "unsubscribe" link provided in the email or navigate to the "email settings" section inside your account.

  • Your engagement with and curiosity in other Members' work and goods is equally beneficial to them as it is to you. Hence, we meticulously analyze data regarding the readership of your work, the reception of your published products, and your engagement with other members' work, such as publication details, complete texts, inquiries, and responses. We utilize this data to furnish Members with valuable insights into the utilization of their content. For instance, we can display comprehensive reading statistics at both the publication and author levels. These statistics may include details such as the number of reads within a specific time period, the affiliations of readers with countries and institutions, and, subject to the privacy settings of our members, information about readers' ResearchVideos accounts. When Members' privacy settings permit, the provision of more than just anonymous statistics enables Members to confidently reach out to readers of their work.

  • When Members opt to get advantages from receiving external activity insights, we are capable of providing them with supplementary details pertaining to their profile and work on the Service, including consumption, mentions, news coverage, and more. In order to accomplish this, we have the capability to correlate compiled and unidentified data that we collect from external sources with your contributions. This will enable us to provide you with insights on how users discovered your publicly accessible content on ResearchVideos, as well as the sources that directed them to it (such as search engines). We can also provide features that disclose information regarding instances in which you and/or your publicly accessible work on the Service are referenced on third-party websites, platforms, or services. For instance, when your work is referenced on social media or other external platforms/websites/blogs, we will collect these references, which may include additional context, and enhance our understanding of your work using them. We shall present this third-party content to you directly by showcasing or incorporating it inside our Service, or by offering references such as links to access the content. We may enlist the assistance of external third parties to accomplish these objectives. The description of third parties involved in the processing of personal data can be found in Section Third party services for analytics, measurement, and ad distribution.

  • Through our advanced recommendation technology, we analyze your personal data and make inferences to deliver the Service in a customized manner that aligns with your specific preferences. We have the ability to tailor the features and offerings provided by ResearchVideos to suit your needs through the Service. As an illustration, we offer dynamic web sites that are specifically tailored to your needs. We will provide content recommendations, including suggested research items for you, as well as recommendations for other individuals, such as researchers to follow or connect with, or relevant researchers. Just as you derive advantages from the content and individuals suggested to you, it is possible for you and your content to be recommended to other Members and consequently be included in their experience, such as in their home feed. We extract insights from Members' engagements with customized information and recommendations, and later incorporate them to enhance any future provisions of personalized content.

  • As a valued Member, our objective is to provide you with advertising content that is highly pertinent to your interests. Within this framework, we utilize the personal information you furnish, gather, or deduce from your utilization of the Service and the Internet, as well as the contextual details of the website you are presently browsing. We have the capability to showcase adverts that align perfectly with your interests, as well as provide employment recommendations that are highly pertinent to your scientific expertise, experience, and research. To obtain additional details on advertisements on the Service, kindly consult Section 6 Advertisements on ResearchVideos below.

  • As a Visitor, our objective is to provide you with advertising content that is highly pertinent to your interests. Regarding Visitors, it should be noted that the third-party advertisers may consider the context of the website you are currently browsing. To obtain additional details on advertisements on the Service, kindly consult Section 6 Advertisements on ResearchVideos below.

  • We handle your personal data with utmost care to prevent any accidental or unlawful destruction, as well as any loss, alteration, or unauthorized disclosure. As an illustration, we diligently analyze the quantity of profile pages that you and other individuals access in order to identify and thwart any attempts at data harvesting. Similarly, we truncate the final octet of your IP address to ensure that your identity remains concealed.

  • We utilize your personal data to compile statistics that pertain to your reading and search habits, as well as your achievements. We further produce statistics for internal purposes to consistently enhance the Service and its functionalities. We also engage in research and development endeavors to uphold the standard of quality and enhance our Service and the User experience. We will also be sharing research findings with scientific institutions for the purpose of scientific research and related subjects. We shall not divulge any personal data of Users in any of these instances.

4- Our utilization of pertinent data that is accessible to the public

We confidently handle personal data concerning Authors that is publicly accessible and pertinent to our Service.

We can get a diverse range of information on Authors from publicly accessible sources, including details about their past published research, the article itself (which may include personal information), and other affiliations or references to a publication. We have the capability to analyze information pertaining to an Author in order to establish a comprehensive record of their scientific contributions, as well as to get insights into the professional relationships between Authors and Members. When an Author's scientific study has been supported, whether publicly or privately, we have the authority to process this information that is accessible to the public.

When we gather publicly accessible resources, we cannot guarantee that personal information contained within these documents has been handled in compliance with the relevant legal regulations. Nevertheless, should you inform us of any inaccuracies or violations of data protection rules regarding your personal data within said materials, we will promptly erase them after verifying your identification.

The processed public data can be linked to an account if an Author decides to become a Member.

5- The information we handle when using cookies and pixels

As part of our operations, we and our authorized service providers keep log files and employ various tracking technologies, such as cookies, web beacons, tracking pixels, and local shared objects (sometimes referred to as flash cookies), to gather information pertaining to you and your utilization of the Service.

"Cookies" are small files that allow us to store and gather specific information about you and your utilization of the Service on your computer or other terminal devices. We assist in the analysis of user metrics such as the number of individuals utilizing the Service, frequency of usage, user behavior, and advertising efficacy. This aids in enhancing security measures and customizing our Service and advertisements to align with your specific requirements and preferences.

  • This website utilizes "session cookies" that are immediately removed once your session on the website concludes.

  • This website utilizes "persistent cookies" to save data regarding recurring users of the service. Our persistent cookies are specifically crafted to provide ongoing enhancements to our products and services, as well as to uphold the high standards of our offerings. "Persistent cookies" endure for a specific predetermined duration and are acknowledged by us upon your subsequent visit to the Service (or one of our partner sites).

You have the ability to modify the settings of your browser in order to prohibit the storage of cookies, restrict the storage of cookies to specific websites, or configure your browser to notify you whenever a cookie is transmitted. You have the ability to erase cookies at any given moment. Nevertheless, it is important to acknowledge that disabling cookies will result in the inability to fully utilize certain functions offered by ResearchVideos. To obtain precise guidance on deleting Cookies using your browser, kindly refer to the relevant help pages, such as those provided by Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, or Safari.

ResearchVideos utilizes cookies for multiple functions. However, cookies primarily assist us in delivering, safeguarding, and enhancing our products and services. They also enable us to customize advertising and content, as well as gain a deeper understanding of how our services are utilized. The table below will furnish you with details regarding the cookies that ResearchVideos is setting and utilizing, along with their corresponding retention period and purpose.

This website utilizes Pixels, which includes web beacons, clear GIFs, and other similar techniques, with cookies. A Pixel is an image file or link to an image file that is incorporated into the website code but is not transmitted to your end device. Pixels are commonly utilized for similar purposes as cookies, specifically to assess the volume of individuals who utilize our Service or, if the User's email program supports HTML, to ascertain whether and when an email was accessed. Pixels enable us to assess and enhance the efficiency of our Service and promotions, including advertising campaigns displayed on ResearchVideos. Pixels do not furnish us with personal data. Typically, pixels are employed in conjunction with cookies. If cookies have been deactivated in your browser, Pixels will solely report an anonymous page visit.

We employ Pixel-based and cookie-based conversion monitoring tools to effectively gauge the efficacy of advertising campaigns delivered through the Service. In order to achieve this objective, we utilize technology offered by Google (see the section titled Google Services below).

6- Advertisements on ResearchVideos

We shall exhibit adverts on our Service. We make revenue through the sale of online digital media content and the distribution of advertisements. Our Service provides the opportunity for carefully chosen partners to promote their products, information, job opportunities, and more.

When advertisers or ad networks display advertising on our Service, they have the ability to gather or we may choose to disclose the following categories of information from inside our Service:

  • Performance statistics, such as the quantity of clicks on an advertisement;

  • We gather aggregated and/or de-identified information about you and other Users collectively, which is not meant to specifically identify you (such as Users who are situated in Berlin);

  • Definite technical details (such as IP addresses, cookie IDs, non-persistent device identifiers like Identifiers for Advertising (IDFAs); and

  • Further contextual information regarding the distribution of our content and how it may influence your view of adverts.

Advertisers or ad networks have the capability to gather this data by utilizing tracking technologies such as browser cookies and web beacons (as explained above). They have the option to employ either a single tracking technology or numerous tracking technologies simultaneously.

The gathered data will be utilized for the following purposes:

  • Assess the efficacy of advertisements.

  • We can provide you with customized advertising to enhance your experience by displaying advertisements that are specifically tailored to your interests; and/or

  • We will conduct web analytics to analyze traffic and other User activities in order to enhance your experience.

Upon selecting a third-party advertisement, you will no longer be browsing a website hosted by ResearchVideos. ResearchVideos bears no responsibility for any failure of third parties, including their affiliates or agents, to utilize your personal data in compliance with the privacy policy of such third party or any contractual or legal duties that said third party, its affiliates, or agents may be bound by.

We utilize Google Analytics to assess the usage patterns on our Service. Google Analytics is a web analytic service offered by Google Ireland Ltd, located at Gordon House, Barrow Street, Dublin 4, Ireland. Google employs cookies on our website to systematically assess the interactions of Users on our Service for this web analytic service. The data collected by the cookie regarding the user's usage of our Service (such as shortened IP address, current website visited, referrer, duration of visit, and frequency of website access) is transmitted to a Google server located in Ireland. Furthermore, it is possible for the data to be transferred to another Google server located in the United States. Google shall utilize this information to assess your utilization of the Service, generate reports on website activity for our benefit, and offer other services pertaining to website activity and Internet usage. The processed data has the capability to generate pseudonymous user profiles of Users. The data is securely erased during a period of 26 months. By using IP anonymization on our website, your IP address is shortened before being transmitted within the member states of the European Union or those states that are members of the Agreement on the European Economic Area. Your complete IP address will only be forwarded to a Google server in Ireland and potentially the USA and abbreviated there in rare circumstances. Rest assured, Google ensures that your IP address acquired by Google Analytics remains separate from any other data in their possession.

In addition, we make use of Google Cloud Services. Google enables us to efficiently deliver our services to users. This is by replicating Google cloud services and deploying them on servers strategically located in close proximity to your present geographical location. Google efficiently allocates the server load to the most appropriate servers for your request. Moreover, Google security protection algorithms effectively obstructs malicious threats and abusive bots and crawlers that detrimentally affect our bandwidth and server resources. Thanks to Google Cloud Security services, our service is much enhanced and more resistant to any threats. Google utilizes cookies and handles data that may be deemed personally identifiable, including your IP address. Google is likely to store this data in the United States. Further details regarding Cloudflare can be accessed at this location.

7- Recipients and protections

Your personal data will be shared to third parties as outlined in this Privacy Policy and, when relevant, to the third parties specified in our permission modal. These parties could potentially include advertisers or firms that assist us in distributing advertisements, evaluating the effectiveness of our advertisements, and/or analyzing your utilization of the Service. Rest assured; these third parties will not be granted access to any data that directly identifies you personally. The data provided is restricted to identifiers such as IP addresses and cookie IDs. We will only disclose your name, email address, and other directly identifying data with third parties if you specifically provide us permission to do so.

We shall disclose personal data as necessary in compliance with legal obligations, such as responding to legal process or court orders. Additionally, we may disclose personal data, to the extent permitted by applicable law, in order to safeguard the rights, property, or safety of ResearchVideos, the Service, Users of the Service (including yourself), and other individuals.

We will utilize third-party service providers, specifically for technical and business services, tax experts, and legal advice. These service providers exclusively receive personal data for the purpose of carrying out services on our behalf. They are legally bound to refrain from using personal data for any additional objectives.

Certain third parties, based outside of the European Economic Area, may receive your personal data. It is important to note that the data protection rules in these countries may not be as comprehensive as the ones that apply to us.

When transferring your personal data to countries outside of the European Economic Area or those that lack adequate and similar protection, we will ensure strict compliance with relevant data protection regulations. This will be achieved by implementing appropriate data transfer mechanisms, such as the European Standard Contractual Clauses.

We shall undertake this task with the aim of guaranteeing that the degree of safeguarding implemented for the handling of your personal information in these nations is comparable to that employed within the European Economic Area.

8- Terminating your account and retention of personal data

Regarding Members, we typically retain their personal information for the duration of their current account.

If you have established an account, you have the capability to independently terminate it by accessing your 'Account' page and clicking on the button “Delete my account”. If you require us to close your account, we may request verification of your identification prior to proceeding.

We have the right to cancel inactive accounts or accounts that are used in violation of our Terms of Use and Services or any relevant law.

Upon closure of an account, it shall promptly become inaccessible and cease to be visible. Kindly be aware that the act of closing an account is an irrevocable action.

Regarding Members, we will securely store personal data from closed or inactive accounts for as long as it is required and pertinent for our operations and/or to adhere to legal obligations, prevent fraudulent activities, recover any outstanding fees, settle disputes, address issues, assist with investigations, uphold our Terms of Service, and/or undertake other actions that are lawfully permitted.

Typically, personal data from closed or inactive accounts will be securely erased or rendered anonymous from our system backups within a year of the account being closed or deactivated.

We retain personal data for the duration required to facilitate the utilization of our Service and/or to accomplish the objectives, as well as to adhere to any legal or regulatory responsibilities. Under all circumstances, we will delete your personal data, except for the data that we are obligated to keep due to contractual or statutory retention periods, such as those related to taxation or commercial law. Specifically, we retain payment and invoice data as well as support questions in accordance with trade and tax regulations for the prescribed retention periods of ten and six years, respectively.

Furthermore, apart from your ability to revoke any permission you may have given or utilize any opt-out choice we offer; you may have the privilege to exercise certain or all of the subsequent rights:

9- Contact details

If you have any inquiries or apprehensions regarding our Privacy Policy, kindly direct them to our Data Protection Officer. This can be done by reaching out to us through our online contact form on our Contact Us” page, or send a written correspondence to the following address:

ResearchVideos is located at 2108 N ST STE N, Sacramento, CA, 95816.

If you still have any requests or complaints, please do not hesitate to contact the California Data Protection and Freedom at (https://cppa.ca.gov/).


ResearchVideos LLC
Users Guidelines
version: 23 Jan. 2024


1. Introduction

2. Using your real identity

3. Ethics and diversity respect

4. Identify and notify about inappropriate content

5. Identify and notify about duplicate research items and profiles

6. Reporting content that violates copyright

7. Further instructions

1- Introduction

ResearchVideos' objective is to disseminate research material via web films and establish a connection between the general public and the realm of research and development. Our goal is to enhance the accessibility of research findings to a broader audience through the utilization of digital media technologies, such as digital animations, audio, and videos. Here, we have delineated a set of principles to effectively encourage positive conduct and discern what is deemed unsuitable.

2- Using your real identity

At ResearchVideos, we are a reputable network that mandates the usage of authentic identities for all our users. This includes providing genuine names, affiliations, and accurate personal information. Kindly abstain from disseminating inaccurate information on your profile.

3- Ethics and diversity respect

ResearchVideos users confidently post and share their work, actively connecting with fellow scientists, researchers, and members within their respective areas. We are confident that scientific differences and robust debates play a crucial role in fostering progress and advancement. In order to encourage these essential discussions, we kindly want our members to demonstrate respect for one another's contributions and publications, while appreciating the wide range of thoughts and opinions.

At ResearchVideos, we have a zero-tolerance policy towards any form of harassment, libelous or derogatory information, explicit material, or hate speech in any content that is posted, including text, audio, photos, and videos. This includes personal assaults and assaults against individuals grounded on their Race, Ethnicity, National origin, Political or religious affiliation, Sexual orientation, Sex, gender, or gender identity, Age, Serious sickness or disability.

Kindly be aware that individuals who partake in disrespectful conduct may face the consequence of their content being removed and their membership being deactivated.

To obtain further information regarding your duties as a member of ResearchVideos, kindly consult the User Obligations part of our Terms of Use and Services.

4- Identify and notify about inappropriate content

The ResearchVideos network is expanding daily, and we are committed to establishing a setting that is devoid of inappropriate and offensive content. In order to accomplish this, we depend on assistance from individuals inside our network. If you happen to come across any content on ResearchVideos that is deemed unsuitable or harmful, kindly report it to us.

Our support team will thoroughly assess the reported content, promptly eliminate it if deemed appropriate, and initiate additional measures if warranted.

To report a specific content, kindly send as soon as possible an email to contact(at)ResearchVideos(dot)net including the requisite subject and body details:

Email Subject: Report regarding the publication of inappropriate content on ResearchVideos

Email Content: Please specify the sort of content you would want to report on, such as text, video, audio, image, or profile information. Additionally, kindly provide the URL leading directly to this item for further analysis.

5- Identify and notify about duplicate research items and profiles

If you come across any duplicate online content or profile published in ResearchVideos, please send an email to contact(at)ResearchVideos(dot)net . Make sure to include the following information in the subject and body of the email:

Email Subject: Report regarding the publication of duplicate content on ResearchVideos

Email Content: Please specify the sort of content you wish to report (text, video, audio, image, or profile information) and kindly include the URL leading directly to this content for further investigation.

6- Reporting content that violates copyright

Refer to Section 4 of our Copyright act.

7- Further instructions

  • Comply with Ethical Research Standards: Our members are expected to adhere to ethical research standards, which encompass gaining informed consent, safeguarding the well-being of study subjects, and correctly and truthfully reporting research findings. Instances of potential research misconduct must be dealt with in accordance with established ethical norms and procedures.

  • Privacy must be respected: users are expected to honor the privacy of others and refrain from disclosing personal information without consent.

  • Prevent Plagiarism: It is imperative to provide appropriate acknowledgment and refrain from publishing someone else's work without consent or attribution.

  • Utilize Suitable Vocabulary: Employ vocabulary that is civil and suitable, refraining from the use of profanity, hate speech, and insulting remarks.

  • Users are required to adhere to copyright and licensing regulations when sharing content, demonstrating respect for intellectual property rights. Ensuring the utilization of appropriate citations and permissions is of utmost significance when required.

  • Ensure Accuracy: Refrain from disseminating inaccurate or deceptive information. It is highly recommended that users fact-check and verify information before sharing it.

  • Absolutely No Personal Attacks: Any form of personal attacks, insults, or threats towards other users or institutions will not be permitted under any circumstances.

  • Editors and Reviewers Decisions are to be Respected: Decisions made by publisher, reviewers, editors, and administrators are considered final. Any complaints should be addressed privately with the site administrators.

  • Absolutely no tolerance for trolling or harassment: Trolling, cyberbullying, or any form of harassment is completely forbidden.

  • Ensuring a Safe Environment: Our utmost objective is to establish a secure and inclusive atmosphere for everyone.

  • Users must be familiar of their legal obligations about their content, including the disclosure of conflicts of interest in research.

ResearchVideos LLC

version: 23 Jan. 2024

1. Introduction

2. Publishing material on ResearchVideos

3. Complaints pertaining to the content published on ResearchVideos

4. Reporting content that violates copyright and other intellectual property

5. Policy against repeat infringers

6. Obligations for submitting a counter notice

1- Introduction

ResearchVideos' objective is to disseminate research material via web films and establish a connection between the general public and the realm of research and development. Our goal is to enhance the accessibility of research findings to a broader audience through the utilization of digital media technologies, such as digital animations, audio, and videos. Here, we have delineated a set of principles to effectively encourage positive conduct and discern what is deemed unsuitable.

ResearchVideos was established by esteemed researchers and scientists with the purpose of streamlining the dissemination, exchange, and correspondence of digital materials within the scientific community, including scientists, researchers, writers, reviewers, institutions, and other esteemed professionals. We highly value and uphold the intellectual property rights of others, and we kindly urge that you do the same. We have successfully implemented a systematic approach for the submission of complaints concerning the content submitted by our esteemed members. The policies and procedures governing this process are meticulously outlined below.

2- Publishing material on ResearchVideos

When submitting a video to ResearchVideos as an author, you will be required to select one of two copyright choices based on your chosen publishing license. This choice will apply to the video, along with its abstract, references, and/or supplemental materials:

  1. Open-Access Publishing License: Copyright is not transferred or assigned to ResearchVideos.

  2. The Regular Publishing License entails the transfer or assignment of copyright to ResearchVideos.

Our platform enables the public dissemination of several forms of content, encompassing text, audio, photos, and videos. Given our lack of knowledge regarding the rights you may possess or any applicable license terms and restrictions for such content, we place our trust in your ability to comprehend your rights and the appropriate protocols for publishing on ResearchVideos.

Typically, as the author of an open-access journal publication under the CC BY license ( refer to https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/deed.en ), you can upload a video on www.ResearchVideos.net elucidating the research findings in your published paper in other locations. Nevertheless, it is your entire duty to post audio, photos, text, or video content from another journal's article that is copyright-protected by that journal. Our content support team may delete such content upon detection.

To gain a comprehensive understanding of your rights, it is advisable to thoroughly examine the agreements that you have entered with your publisher or any other individuals or entities who own rights over your work. If you still have any doubts regarding the permissible content for sharing or publishing on ResearchVideos, we suggest reaching out directly to your publisher. Furthermore, there are other tools at your disposal, such as " How Can I Share It ", which you may find beneficial in comprehending your entitlements.

3- Complaints pertaining to the content published on ResearchVideos

We are committed to promptly addressing copyright infringement claims presented by rights owners, following the notification and takedown procedures outlined in section 512(c) of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (United States) and the European eCommerce Directive . We have a Designated Agent who is responsible for receiving notices regarding claimed copyright and other instances of intellectual property infringement:

ResearchVideos LLC

Copyright Department

2108 N ST, STE N

Sacramento CA, 95816

Alternatively, you may submit your documents via email to copyright(at)ResearchVideos(dot)net .

Rest assured that, irrespective of whether we disable access to or delete the content in question, we reserve the right to forward your written notification, along with your contact details, to the member/Author responsible for posting the content. Additionally, we may undertake other appropriate measures to inform the member/Author that we have received notice of a purported infringement of copyright or intellectual property rights.

Kindly note that when you opt to request the removal of content by submitting an infringement notification, you are commencing a legal procedure. All notices or counter-notices that you submit must be completely truthful and must be filed with the understanding that any false information provided may result in legal consequences. Issuing a fraudulent notice or counter-notice might result in personal liability. It is advisable to consult with legal counsel prior to sending a notice or counter-notice.

4- Reporting content that violates copyright and other intellectual property

Kindly be advised that if you do not possess the status of a copyright owner or the authority to represent a copyright owner, we respectfully request that you reach out to the copyright owner and request them to submit a notice of claimed infringement. If you are the rightful owner of a copyright, it is imperative that your notification of alleged infringement adheres to the prescribed guidelines for contacting us via email, as mandated by US, European, and other applicable laws.

If you wish to report any instances of copyright infringement regarding anything published on ResearchVideos, please send an email to copyright(at)ResearchVideos(dot)net . Ensure that your email includes the necessary subject and body information as outlined below:

Email Subject: Report regarding copyright infringement on ResearchVideos

Email Content: Please specify the kind of content to be reported (video, audio, image, or profile information) and kindly include the URL of the infringing item on www.ResearchVideos.net .

Please provide us with the necessary signature and information about yourself or your firm, which we shall retain in our records. This includes all the relevant details:

The identifying information of the complaining party, including their name, address, telephone number, and e-mail address.

  1. A comprehensive depiction of the copyrighted work(s) or any other intellectual property that is being asserted as infringed, together with the country where the claimed rights exist.

  2. A precise account of the whereabouts of the purportedly infringing content on ResearchVideos, accompanied by adequate details to facilitate our identification of the material. In order to effectively identify and remove information that has been reported as infringing, it is imperative to supply the precise URL of the actual file, rather than just the URL of the publication page where the file is visible. This is because the content displayed on a publication page has the potential to change. To get the URL of a certain file, simply click on the downward-facing arrow located at the top-right corner of a publication page. From there, select "Full-text sources" and proceed to right click on the appropriate download button for the file. Finally, copy the link address to obtain the desired URL.

  3. The complaining party asserts with confidence that they genuinely believe that the use of the work in the way complained of is not authorized by the copyright owner, its agent, or the law.

  4. The information in this notification is accurate, and the complaining party, under penalty of perjury, is fully authorized to act on behalf of the owner of an exclusive right that is allegedly infringed.

  5. A valid signature, whether electronic or physical, from the authorized representative of the copyright or other infringed right owner.

Please identify the intellectual property right at issue if you are asserting infringement of an intellectual property right other than copyright, such as "trademark".

Once we are notified of a claimed infringement that meets the aforementioned standards, we will promptly take action to remove or disable access to the material in question and inform the member/author responsible for its posting. During that period, we will also furnish the member with an email address that can be utilized to reach out to the complaining party for any inquiries or in case they believe an error has occurred.

5- Policy against repeat infringers

As per the relevant legislation, we have implemented a policy for dealing with serial infringers, which allows us to disable a member's uploading privileges or terminate their membership as necessary.

6- Obligations for submitting a counter notice

ResearchVideos acknowledges that on certain occasions, content may be erroneously labeled by a rights holder as infringing upon their rights. If such an error occurs, it is advisable to initially reach out to the aggrieved individual directly via the email address provided to you. Upon receiving an official acknowledgement of the error from the complaining party, ResearchVideos will confidently permit you to re-upload the footage.

If the complaining party does not concur that their request for removal was mistaken, you can write a counter notice to content(at)ResearchVideos(dot)net containing the subsequent details:

Please provide your name, address, and telephone number.

  1. The material that has been removed or to which access has been disabled must be identified, along with the location (URL) where the material was originally found before its removal or disabling of access.

  2. I thus declare, under the threat of legal consequences, that I firmly believe in good faith that the removal or disabling of the item was a result of an error or misidentification of the material intended for removal or disabling.

  3. I hereby acknowledge and agree to the jurisdiction of the Federal District Court in the judicial district where my address is located, or if my address is outside the United States, in any judicial district where ResearchVideos may be found. Furthermore, I confirm that I will accept service of process from the party who submitted the notification of claimed infringement or an agent of that party.

  4. Your electronic signature is required.

Your counter notice will only be considered if you provide all the required information in full and include your electronic signature.

Upon receipt of your duly completed notification via email, ResearchVideos will promptly furnish the aggrieved party with a duplicate of your notice. We will duly notify the aggrieved party that you shall be granted the opportunity to reinstate the content that was previously removed, provided that ResearchVideos's Designated Agent does not receive any communication from the aggrieved party indicating that legal action has been initiated to prevent you from engaging in any further copyright infringement with regards to the material on ResearchVideos. Upon receipt of written notification (by email or mail) from the complaining party indicating their withdrawal of objection to the material's availability, we will grant you the opportunity to resubmit your video to ResearchVideos.