Guide for authors
1- Introduction:

ResearchVideos (LLC) is a unique online platform publishing high quality peer-reviewed scholarly video articles. The platform on the cloud welcomes submissions from a broad spectrum of scientific disciplines, including Biology and Life Sciences, Business and Economics, Chemistry, Computer Science, Earth Science, Engineering, Mathematics, Medicine and Physics. This broad perspective allows ResearchVideos to serve as a comprehensive platform for scientific experts across diverse scientific fields, fostering interdisciplinary collaboration and providing a dynamic space for the exchange of cutting-edge research that enhances the speed of scientific communication, knowledge and technology transfer.

2- Video Types:

ResearchVideos will consider the following types of video submissions:

• Video Clips: Less than or equal to 10 minutes video based on a paper previously published by the author in a conference or peer-reviewed journal. Authors are required to be mindful of copyright regulations when incorporating data from their existing publication.

Generally, papers published under a CC-BY license are suitable for sharing in this format. For more details about this video type refer to the following section in this guideline.

• Research Video: Less than or equal to 15 minutes video that presents the findings of a new study. It typically follows a structured format, including segments such as an introduction, brief literature review, methodology, results, discussion, and conclusion.

• Review Video: Less than or equal to 25 minutes video by distinguished experts presenting a comprehensive synthesis of existing scientific literature on a specific topic. This type of video aims to offer a balanced mixture of established scientific knowledge, coupled with insightful discussions and perspectives on the subject matter.

• Short Video: Less than or equal to 5 minutes concise video designed for the rapid dissemination of novel research content. This video type may spotlight a specific facet of a problem or unveil a novel finding anticipated to make a substantial impact.

Examples of content suitable for Short Videos involve the discovery or development of new ideas, pioneering experiments and theory, and innovation in simulation and modeling. Given their emphasis on delivering a more pronounced impact rather than incremental research reporting, Short Videos benefit from prioritized and expeditious publication processes.

• Tutorial Video: Less than or equal to 20 minutes instructional video providing step-by-step guidance on diverse subjects, such as software usage, experimental methods, calculation approaches, and manufacturing processes. These videos aim to offer clear, user-friendly explanations to facilitate a better understanding of complex concepts or procedures.

• News and Updates: Less than or equal to 2 minutes, informative video delivering the latest developments and noteworthy information within a specific domain. Whether highlighting recent advancements, conference announcements, industry trends, or key broadcasts, these videos serve as dynamic updates to keep the audience alongside current events.

3- Research Video Describing a Published Open-Access Article:

As an Author at, if you are preparing a research video that will describe your already-published open-access article, then you can follow these guidelines:

• Prepare the figures from your published article that you want to explain in the video.

• Prepare additional material that you want to explain (like 2D videos or 2D-3D animations, i.e., numerical modeling or simulation results animations).

• Record your voice to generate an audio for your scientific contents listed above. • Assemble your figures, videos or animations to your recorded audio files by using any video editing software tools available.

4- Video Format and Maximum File Size:

Authors are advised to save/submit their research video under the .mp4 file extension.
Note that many open-source software can be used to convert your video from multiple file formats to mp4 file format, such as openshot:

⬛ 2D Videos: All 2D videos must have a resolution that is lower than or equal to (1024 x 600) pixels. 2D Videos generated at 60 FPS (Frames Per Second) are recommended.

⬛ 360° and VR Videos:

• 360° or Monoscopic Videos: The most common type, 360° monoscopic video, consists of an image as an equirectangular projection (as a world map spherical in shape) that is viewed as a flat image.
Monoscopy typically has an aspect ratio of 2:1, and common monoscopic video resolutions: (840 x 1920), (4096 x 2048), (5760 x 2880), or (7680 x 3840) pixels.
360° Videos generated at 60 FPS (Frames Per Second) are recommended.

VR (Virtual Reality) or Stereoscopic Videos: This type of VR video uses two images for the eyes (one image per eye) that are projected SBS (Side/By/Side 3D) or (Top/Bottom 3D) with different wide-view angles, with slightly different perspectives, to create a 3D effect when used with VR headsets or VR eyeglasses and other viewing hardware. Stereoscopic immersive video can has an aspect ratio of 1:1, with these common stereoscopic resolutions: (3840 x 3840), (5120 x 5120) or (7680 x 7680) pixels.

Kindly note that Anaglyph 3D, commonly seen in Red/Cyan, is an old school fashion to watch 3D content, and thus they will not be accepted for online upload to

The following mp4 file sizes are required upon uploading a new video to

• 2D Research Video: Maximum Size Allowed = 500 MB
• 360° or VR Research Video: Maximum Size Allowed = 5 GB

Note: Authors may adjust the resolution, frequency, or the total time period of their mp4 video.

5- Data Sharing:

For additional data sharing as supplementary material to an uploaded video, ResearchVideos encourage the use of specialized repositories within specific domains whenever possible. When submitting a video, the authors will be able to share a link to their additional supplementary material data sharing repository. In cases where authors are unable to locate a repository tailored to their discipline or the type of data they are generating, a generalist repository becomes a valuable alternative for data sharing. The following list of repositories accept data sharing without constraints related to type, format, content, or disciplinary focus. It is important to note that ResearchVideos does not endorse generalist repositories. The list proposed below is not exhaustive but serves as a guide to assist authors in identifying potential generalist repositories for general use:
IEEE Dataport
Mendeley Data
Open Science Framework

6- Prepare Your Video and Audio Contents:

Creating a successful research video offers a unique opportunity for creativity, and while there isn't a specific template, ResearchVideos encourages authors to embrace innovation. Incorporating interactive data visualizations into your presentation can significantly enhance viewer engagement. Consider tailoring your video to clearly present the problem addressed, methodology employed, and the significance of your results. Utilize animations, visuals, diagrams, and concise explanations to convey complex concepts effectively.

The official language for an uploaded video is English.

Although AI (Artificial Intelligence) tools are recommended for boosting visual presentations and text narratives, it's essential to note that they should not be regarded as legitimate tools for forming scientific conclusions or analyzing results. Authors may use b>AI as a supplementary aid rather than a determinant in their research endeavors.

To assist authors in video preparation, here are some useful links that authors can explore for guidance and resources:

openshot is a free to use open-source video editing software (supports: Windows, Linux & Mac OS). Click-here to access online video-tutorials for openshot.

* Audio Generation: Authors may also use any Artificial Intelligence (AI) Text-To-Speech (TTS) recognition/generation tools to generate their audio files:
MaryTTS is an open-source TTS engine that supports Windows, Linux & Mac.
Mimic is an open-source TTS engine: Mimic that supports Linux-based.

Here below are some additional commercial online AI tools for Audio and Video generation:

Synthesia  [ How to Convert PDF to Video in 4 Simple Steps ]

We recommend authors to include in their research video the following information:

• Authors names: Names of author and co-authors who contributed to the research.
• Affiliations: Affiliations of author and co-authors.
• A Title: Title of the research.
• An Introduction: Introduce the scientific research topic of your video (present the scientific gaps in the literature; explain your research questions).
• A Methodology: Methodology used by the author and the co-authors to reply to research questions (problem solving).
• Results: Present and explain you research results supported by embedded animations and figures.
• Conclusion: Summarize your results and findings in a brief conclusion.
• Perspectives: Present in brief some perspectives (optional).

7- Before You Begin:

Authors must carefully review the “Terms and Conditions” and adhere to the platform's policies and ethical guidelines for online research and publication. Authors are encouraged to familiarize themselves with any supplementary guidelines or requirements outlined by the platform to ensure compliance with best practices in scholarly research and responsible publication. Clear adherence to these guidelines contributes to maintaining a high standard of quality and ethical conduct within the research and publishing community.

8- Online Video Submission:

After your online successful registration, you become a “Member” of ResearchVideos and you can use your registered email address and your personal password to login to

To submit a new video to, click on “Submit Your Video” button located at the left side vetical menu. As an author submitting a new video, you will be prompted to complete the following information:
Authors: Names, affiliations, and email addresses of all authors and co-authors.
Corresponding Author: Name, affiliation, and email address.
Keywords: At least 5 keywords.
Title: A title for your video (120 charchters maximum).
Video type: 2D, 360° or VR.
Video subtype: Research Video, Review Video, Short Video, Tutorial Video or News and Update Video.
Disciplines: Selection of one scientific discipline and up to 3 sub-disciplines (see List of Disciplines and Subdisciplines).
Online publishing licence: Regular or Open-Access.
Abstract: 300 to 1200 words.
Declarations: Declaration of interests, if any.
Acknowledgements: The author may also add acknowledgement in the appropriate section.
References: A List of references (1500 words maximum) where authors are free to choose the references style. However, each reference must be linked to its DOI number (Digital Object Identifier).
Terms and Conditions Agreement: Authors must complete the terms and conditions agreement before they will be able to submit their video to

9- Copyrights:

After a video is accepted for publication on, authors will be requested to fulfill a publishing License Agreement for copyrights. The authorized third-party reuse of open-access videos is contingent upon the author's selection of a user license. In the subscription model, ResearchVideos requires a sufficient period for delivering value to its subscribers before an online published video is made accessible to the general public at no cost. This designated timeframe, known as the embargo period, begins from the official online publication date of the video. ResearchVideos enforces an embargo period of 24 months.

10- Online Publishing Licence Options:

1. Subscription model: ResearchVideos publishes subscription videos funded through payments made by subscribing individuals or institutions. The pricing of individual and institutional subscriptions is determined independently of open-access videos (listed below). Individual researchers or those whose institution is not subscribed to our platform can benefit from ResearchVideos personal access options, which encompass credit card-based transactional video rentals.

2. Open-access model: Videos published as open-access are accessible for free for all members. The open access publication fee for this journal is USD 500, excluding taxes. The authors have the option between two types of open-access publication:

a. Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY): This license grants users the freedom to distribute, remix, adapt, and expand upon the material in any medium or format, as long as proper attribution is provided to the original creator. Additionally, it permits commercial use.

b. Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs (CC BY-NC-ND): This license allows users to reproduce and distribute the material in its original, unmodified form, exclusively for non-commercial purposes, with the condition that proper attribution is given to the creator.

11- Project Database:

At the date/time of publication of your video accepted for publication on,
your research video will be assigned a unique Research Video Object Identifier (RVOI) link (in this format:
where Mmm: Month, YYYY: Year, Discipline (see section-XIII):[BioLifeSci, BusEcon, Chem, CompSci, EarthSci, Engrg, Math, Medic, Phys] and RVOI-ID: 13-digits-code),
similar to a DOI link for better referencing of your research video contents on the internet.

An RVOI link can be used/inserted in your references, in the same way that you are used to use/insert a DOI link of your online published article.

The database of RVOI links which will give your online research videos more enhanced visibility on the internet network of world-wide-web.

Here below an example of a generated RVOI link (unique) for a published research video on

Here an example of a DOI link for an open-access published article:    for the research video of the above RVOI link:

12- Peer Review Process:

Upon submission of a new video to, it will be allocated to an Editorial Member based on the video's scientific discipline and subdiscipline. This assigned Editorial Member, possessing expertise in the relevant discipline, will conduct a thorough review of the submitted video.

The Editorial Member will expediently assess the video or delegate the task to two or more reviewers as part of the one-way blinded-review process. The assigned reviewers, having accepted the review task, will carefully evaluate the video contents, and provide their feedback in the form of recommendations (i.e. accept, reject, or revise) to the assigned Editorial Member.

Subsequently, the Editorial Member will consolidate the review results and make a final decision, which will be communicated to the corresponding author via email. This robust review process ensures the quality and integrity of content on our platform. We will try to complete the review process of a submitted in an averaged period of time of about one to two months maximum.

13- List of Scientific Disciplines and Subdisciplines:

ResearchVideos List of Scientific Disciplines and Subdisciplines as of 15 December 2023.

Discipline: Biology and Life Sciences


Anatomy: Study of the structure of organisms and their parts, exploring the organization of tissues, organs, and systems.

Biochemistry: Examination of chemical processes within living organisms, focusing on the structure and function of biomolecules.

Bioinformatics: Utilization of computational tools to analyze biological data, particularly in genomics and proteomics.

Biophysics: Application of principles and methods of physics to understand biological processes and structures.

Biotechnology: Application of biological knowledge to develop technologies and products for medicine, agriculture, and industry.

Botany: The study of plants, encompassing their structure, growth, reproduction, metabolism, and ecological roles.

Cell Biology: Investigation into the structure and function of cells, unraveling the fundamental units of life and their roles in organisms.

Ecology: Examination of interactions between organisms and their environments, elucidating ecosystems, biodiversity, and the balance of natural systems.

Environmental Science: Analysis of the natural world and human impact on ecosystems, addressing issues such as pollution, climate change, and conservation.

Epidemiology: The study of the distribution and determinants of health-related states, like the spread of diseases within populations, including the dynamics of COVID-19 transmission.

Evolutionary Biology: Exploration of the processes shaping the diversity of life, including natural selection, adaptation, and the common ancestry of living organisms.

Genetics: Study of genes and heredity, unveiling the mechanisms governing inheritance, variation, and the transmission of genetic information.

Immunology: Investigation into the immune system, understanding how it defends against pathogens and its role in allergic reactions and autoimmune diseases.

Marine Biology: Study of marine organisms and ecosystems, exploring life in oceans and other saltwater environments.

Microbiology: Investigation into microorganisms, including bacteria, viruses, fungi, and protozoa, and their impact on health, industry, and the environment.

Molecular Biology: Study of biological molecules such as DNA and proteins, elucidating cellular processes at the molecular level.

Multidisciplinary: The convergence of insights and approaches from various scientific disciplines within biology, promoting cross-disciplinary collaboration to tackle intricate biological phenomena, advance research methodologies, and address real-world challenges at the intersection of life sciences.

Neuroscience: Exploration of the nervous system, studying the brain, spinal cord, and peripheral nerves to comprehend neural function and behavior.

Paleontology: Study of prehistoric life through the examination of fossils, contributing to our understanding of evolutionary history.

Pharmacology: Investigation into drugs and their effects on living organisms, including mechanisms of action and therapeutic applications.

Physiology: Analysis of the normal functioning of living organisms and their internal systems, including organ function and cellular processes.

Zoology: Exploration of animals, covering their anatomy, physiology, behavior, evolution, and taxonomic diversity.

Discipline: Business and Economics


Accounting: Financial Accounting: Deals with the preparation of financial statements for external reporting. Managerial Accounting: Concerned with internal financial management and decision-making.

Economic Development: Development Economics: Studies the economic factors affecting the development of countries and regions. Sustainable Development: Focuses on environmentally and socially responsible economic growth.

Economics: Microeconomics: Examines individual markets, firms, and consumers, focusing on the allocation of resources and decision-making at a smaller scale. Macroeconomics: Analyzes the economy as a whole, including factors like inflation, unemployment, and national income.

Entrepreneurship: Startup Management: Focuses on the creation and growth of new businesses. Innovation and Technology Management: Deals with the strategic use of technology and innovation in business.

Finance: Corporate Finance: Deals with financial decisions within corporations, including capital investment, budgeting, and financing. Investment Banking: Focuses on facilitating capital raising and financial transactions for businesses and governments. Personal Finance: Involves financial planning and management at the individual and household levels.

International Business: Global Trade: Examines the movement of goods and services across international borders. International Finance: Addresses financial transactions and investments on a global scale. Global Supply Chain Management: Involves the coordination of production and distribution networks across countries.

Management: Strategic Management: Concerned with long-term planning, goal-setting, and decision-making to achieve organizational objectives. Human Resource Management: Addresses workforce-related issues, including recruitment, training, and employee relations. Operations Management: Focuses on the efficient production and delivery of goods and services.

Marketing: Digital Marketing: Involves the use of digital channels and technologies for advertising and promotion. Product Management: Deals with the development, launch, and management of products in the market. Market Research: Involves the collection and analysis of data to understand market trends and consumer behavior.

Public Policy: Economic Policy: Involves government decisions and actions that impact the economy. Regulatory Policy: Addresses the rules and regulations governing industries and businesses.

Real Estate: Property Management: Involves the operation, control, and oversight of real estate assets. Real Estate Development: Focuses on the creation and improvement of real estate properties.

Discipline: Chemistry


Analytical Chemistry: Utilization of methods for qualitative and quantitative analysis to determine the composition of substances.

Biochemistry: Examination of chemical processes within living organisms, including the study of biomolecules like proteins, nucleic acids, and enzymes.

Biomaterials: Development of materials compatible with biological systems, used in medical implants, drug delivery, and tissue engineering.

Composites: Materials composed of two or more distinct components with different properties, offering enhanced performance for specific applications.

Electronic Materials: Study of materials used in electronic devices, such as semiconductors and conductors, for advancements in technology.

Environmental Chemistry: Study of chemical processes in the environment, addressing pollution, ecological impacts, and environmental monitoring.

Inorganic Chemistry: Exploration of non-carbon-containing compounds, focusing on metals, minerals, and other substances outside the realm of organic molecules.

Materials Chemistry: Investigation of the composition, structure, properties, and applications of materials, bridging the gap between chemistry and materials science.

Metallurgy and Materials: Exploration of metals and alloys, understanding their properties, production processes, and applications.

Nanoscience: Study of materials at the nanoscale, with applications in electronics, medicine, and other fields.

Organic Chemistry: Study of carbon-containing compounds, investigating their structure, properties, reactions, and synthesis in diverse chemical processes.

Physical Chemistry: Investigation of the physical principles governing chemical systems, encompassing thermodynamics, quantum mechanics, and reaction kinetics.

Polymer Science: Focus on the study and development of polymers, large molecules with repeating structural units, for diverse applications.

Theoretical Chemistry: Development and application of theoretical models and computational methods to understand and predict chemical phenomena.

Discipline: Computer Science


Algorithms and Data Structures : Study and design of efficient algorithms and data structures to solve computational problems and improve the performance of software applications.

Artificial Intelligence (AI) : Development of algorithms and systems that simulate human intelligence, enabling machines to perform tasks such as learning, problem-solving, and decision-making.

Artificial Neural Networks : A subset of machine learning inspired by the structure and function of the human brain, involving interconnected nodes for learning and decision-making.

Big Data : Handling and analysis of massive volumes of data, often characterized by the three Vs: volume, velocity, and variety.

Computer Graphics : Creation, manipulation, and representation of visual images and animations through algorithms and mathematical models.

Computer Networks : Design, implementation, and maintenance of communication networks that enable data exchange between computers and devices.

Computer Vision : Teaching machines to interpret and make decisions based on visual data, often involving image and video analysis.

Cybersecurity : Protection of computer systems, networks, and data from unauthorized access, attacks, and damage to ensure confidentiality, integrity, and availability.

Data Science : Extraction of meaningful insights and knowledge from large and complex datasets through the application of statistical and computational techniques.

Databases : Management of databases for efficient storage, retrieval, and manipulation of structured data, crucial for applications and systems.

Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) : Study of how users interact with computers and designing user interfaces to enhance the usability and user experience.

Machine Learning : Subset of AI focused on creating algorithms and statistical models that allow computers to improve their performance on a task through experience and data.

Mobile Computing : Development of applications and technologies for mobile devices, addressing issues related to portability, connectivity, and resource constraints.

Natural Language Processing (NLP): Empowering computers to understand, interpret, and generate human language, enabling interactions through speech and text.

Operating Systems : Development and management of software that facilitates the communication between computer hardware and software applications.

Quantum Computing : Exploration of the principles and development of systems leveraging quantum mechanics to perform computations with unprecedented speed and efficiency.

Robotics : Design, construction, operation, and use of robots for tasks ranging from industrial automation to healthcare and exploration.

Discipline: Earth Science


Astronomy and Planetary Science : Investigation of celestial bodies beyond Earth, including the study of planets, stars, galaxies, and the broader universe.

Atmospheric Science : Comprehensive study of the Earth's atmosphere, covering aspects of meteorology, climate science, and air quality.

Climatology : Analysis of long-term patterns and trends in the Earth's climate, including variations in temperature, precipitation, and atmospheric conditions.

Environmental Science : Interdisciplinary study of the interactions between humans and the environment, addressing issues such as pollution, conservation, and sustainability.

Geology : Study of the Earth's solid materials, including rocks, minerals, landforms, and the processes that shape the Earth's crust.

Geomorphology : Study of the Earth's landforms and the processes that shape the surface, such as erosion, weathering, and tectonic activity.

Geophysics : Application of physical principles to study the Earth's interior, including seismic activity, magnetic fields, and the Earth's gravitational field.

Glaciology : Examination of glaciers and ice sheets, studying their movement, formation, and impact on landscapes and global sea levels.

Hydrology : Examination of the distribution, movement, and properties of water on Earth, covering rivers, lakes, groundwater, and the water cycle.

Meteorology : Investigation of the Earth's atmosphere, focusing on weather patterns, climate, and atmospheric phenomena such as storms and precipitation.

Mineralogy : Analysis of minerals, their composition, structure, and properties, contributing to our understanding of Earth's crust and geological processes.

Oceanography : Exploration of the Earth's oceans, including the study of ocean currents, marine life, coastal processes, and the geology of the ocean floor.

Paleontology : Exploration of the Earth's history through the study of fossils, providing insights into past life forms, evolution, and changes in the environment.

Petroleum Geology : Exploration of geological formations for the discovery and extraction of petroleum and natural gas resources.

Planetary Geology : Investigation of the geology of planets and moons, contributing to our understanding of planetary processes and evolution.

Remote Sensing : Utilization of satellite and airborne sensors to collect data about the Earth's surface, aiding in monitoring and studying environmental changes.

Seismology : Examination of seismic waves and earthquakes, providing insights into the Earth's interior structure and tectonic processes.

Soil Science : Investigation of soil composition, classification, and fertility, with applications in agriculture, environmental management, and land use planning.

Volcanology : Study of volcanic activity, including the formation of volcanoes, magma composition, and the impact of volcanic eruptions on the Earth's surface.

Discipline: Engineering


Aerospace Engineering : Design and development of aircraft and spacecraft, involving aerodynamics, materials science, and propulsion systems for exploration and transportation in the Earth's atmosphere and beyond.

Automotive Engineering : Design and development of vehicles and transportation systems, including the optimization of automotive technologies for performance, safety, and efficiency.

Biomedical Engineering : Intersection of engineering and biology, focusing on the development of technologies and devices for medical applications, including medical imaging, prosthetics, and genetic engineering.

Chemical Engineering : Application of chemical principles to design processes and systems for large-scale manufacturing, including the production of chemicals, fuels, and pharmaceuticals.

Civil Engineering : Design, construction, and maintenance of infrastructure projects, including buildings, bridges, roads, and water supply systems, to ensure the functionality and safety of public and private structures.

Computer Engineering : Integration of computer science and electrical engineering to design and develop computer systems and networks, including hardware and software components.

Electrical Engineering : Focus on the study and application of electrical systems, electronics, and electromagnetism, covering areas such as power generation, telecommunications, and electronic devices.

Electronics Engineering : Design and development of electronic systems, circuits, and devices, encompassing telecommunications, digital signal processing, and integrated circuits.

Energy Engineering : Study and application of engineering principles to efficiently produce, distribute, and utilize energy resources, including renewable energy technologies, power generation, and energy systems optimization for sustainability.

Environmental Engineering : Application of engineering principles to address environmental issues, including the design of sustainable solutions for water treatment, waste management, and pollution control.

Industrial Engineering : Optimization of complex systems and processes in various industries, emphasizing efficiency, quality control, and resource utilization to enhance overall productivity.

Manufacturing Engineering : Application of engineering principles to optimize the processes involved in the production of goods, covering areas such as process design, automation, quality control, and materials management to enhance efficiency and productivity in manufacturing industries.

Materials Engineering : Study and manipulation of materials to achieve specific properties for various applications, including the development of new materials for technology, construction, and manufacturing.

Mechanical Engineering : Study and application of principles in the design, analysis, and manufacturing of mechanical systems, encompassing machinery, engines, and thermal systems.

Mechatronics Engineering : Integration of mechanical engineering, electronics, computer science, and control engineering to design intelligent systems and products with enhanced functionality.

Nuclear Engineering : Study and application of nuclear processes, including nuclear power generation, nuclear medicine, and the design of nuclear reactors for various applications.

Petroleum Engineering : Exploration and extraction of oil and gas resources, involving drilling technologies, reservoir engineering, and the development of sustainable energy solutions.

Robotics Engineering : Development and application of robotic systems, involving the design of autonomous machines for various tasks in manufacturing, healthcare, and exploration.

Structural Engineering : Design and analysis of structures to ensure their strength, stability, and durability, including buildings, bridges, and other architectural elements.

Systems Engineering : Management and optimization of complex systems throughout their life cycle, involving interdisciplinary approaches to ensure the effective operation of integrated systems.

Telecommunications Engineering : Design and maintenance of communication networks and systems, covering areas such as wireless communication, optical networks, and data transmission technologies.

Discipline: Mathematics


Abstract Algebra : Investigation of algebraic structures such as groups, rings, and fields, abstracting common algebraic concepts from specific numerical instances.

Algebra : Branch of mathematics dealing with the study of mathematical symbols and the rules for manipulating these symbols; often involves solving equations and working with mathematical structures.

Calculus : Branch of mathematics dealing with rates of change and accumulation, including differential calculus (study of derivatives) and integral calculus (study of integrals and areas).

Combinatorics : Study of counting, arrangement, and combination of objects, involving topics like permutations, combinations, and the enumeration of discrete structures.

Differential Equations : Study of equations that involve derivatives and represent rates of change; used to model various phenomena in physics, engineering, and other scientific fields.

Game Theory : Study of mathematical models of strategic interactions between rational decision-makers, used in economics, political science, and evolutionary biology.

Geometry : Study of shapes, sizes, properties of space, and the relationships between them, encompassing Euclidean geometry, differential geometry, and algebraic geometry.

Graph Theory : Exploration of graphs, which represent relationships between pairs of objects, involving concepts such as vertices, edges, connectivity, and graph algorithms.

Logic : Exploration of formal systems of reasoning, including propositional and predicate logic, and their applications in mathematics, computer science, and philosophy.

Mathematical Analysis : Rigorous study of limits, continuity, convergence, and calculus, often applied to functions and sequences in real or complex analysis.

Mathematical Finance : Application of mathematical models and statistical techniques to financial markets, risk management, and investment strategies.

Mathematical Logic : Formal study of logic applied to mathematical reasoning, involving the development and analysis of logical systems and proof theory.

Mathematical Modeling : Construction and analysis of mathematical models to represent real-world systems and phenomena, with applications in science, engineering, and industry.

Mathematical Optimization : Development of mathematical models and algorithms to find the best solution to a given problem, involving optimization techniques and linear programming.

Mathematical Physics : Application of mathematical methods to problems in physics, including differential equations, functional analysis, and complex analysis.

Mathematical Statistics : Application of statistical methods to draw inferences and make predictions from data, involving probability theory, hypothesis testing, and regression analysis.

Non-Euclidean Geometry : Exploration of geometries that deviate from Euclidean geometry, including hyperbolic and elliptic geometries.

Number Theory : Study of the properties and relationships of numbers, often focusing on integers, prime numbers, and algebraic structures related to numbers.

Numerical Analysis : Development of numerical methods and algorithms to solve mathematical problems on computers, including solutions to equations and simulations.

Statistics : Collection, analysis, interpretation, presentation, and organization of data, providing methods for making inferences about populations based on sample data.

Topology : Examination of spatial properties preserved under continuous deformations, including concepts like continuity, convergence, and connectedness.

Trigonometry : Focus on the relationships between the angles and sides of triangles, commonly used in navigation, physics, and engineering for calculations involving angles and distances.

Discipline: Medicine


Allergy and Immunology : Diagnosis and treatment of allergies and immune system disorders, including allergic reactions, autoimmune diseases, and immunodeficiency conditions.

Anesthesiology : Administration of anesthesia and perioperative care, ensuring patient comfort and safety during surgical procedures or medical interventions.

Cardiology : Diagnosis and treatment of heart-related conditions and diseases, covering areas like coronary artery disease, heart failure, and arrhythmias.

Dermatology : Specialized care for the skin, hair, and nails, addressing conditions such as acne, dermatitis, skin cancer, and cosmetic dermatological procedures.

Emergency Medicine : Immediate and acute care for patients with sudden and serious illnesses or injuries, often provided in emergency departments or trauma centers.

Endocrinology : Study and management of endocrine system disorders, including hormonal imbalances, diabetes, and thyroid conditions.

Gastroenterology : Diagnosis and treatment of disorders of the digestive system, including the stomach, intestines, liver, and pancreas.

Hematology : Study and treatment of disorders related to blood and blood-forming tissues, including anemia, leukemia, and bleeding disorders.

Infectious Diseases : Prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of infections caused by bacteria, viruses, fungi, and parasites, addressing conditions like HIV/AIDS, influenza, and antibiotic-resistant infections.

Internal Medicine : Diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of diseases in adults, covering a wide range of medical conditions such as cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, and infectious diseases.

Nephrology : Specialization in kidney health, covering the diagnosis and management of kidney diseases, renal failure, and disorders of fluid and electrolyte balance.

Neurology : Study and treatment of disorders of the nervous system, including the brain, spinal cord, and peripheral nerves, addressing conditions like epilepsy, stroke, and neurodegenerative diseases.

Obstetrics and Gynecology : Care for women's reproductive health, covering pregnancy, childbirth, and postpartum care (obstetrics), as well as gynecological conditions and surgeries.

Ophthalmology : Medical and surgical care for eye conditions and diseases, including vision correction, eye surgery, and the treatment of eye disorders.

Orthopedics : Specialization in the musculoskeletal system, dealing with the diagnosis and treatment of conditions affecting bones, joints, muscles, ligaments, and tendons.

Otolaryngology (ENT) : Diagnosis and treatment of conditions affecting the ears, nose, and throat, including hearing and balance disorders, sinus conditions, and throat diseases.

Pediatrics : Specialized care for infants, children, and adolescents, focusing on their physical and mental health, growth and development, and the prevention and treatment of childhood illnesses.

Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation : Rehabilitation of patients with physical impairments or disabilities, focusing on restoring functionality and improving quality of life through physical therapy and rehabilitation programs.

Psychiatry : Diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of mental illnesses and disorders, including therapy, medications, and other interventions to support mental health.

Pulmonology : Diagnosis and treatment of respiratory system disorders, such as asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), and pulmonary infections.

Radiology : Use of medical imaging technologies, such as X-rays, CT scans, and MRIs, for diagnostic purposes and to guide medical interventions.

Rheumatology : Diagnosis and treatment of autoimmune and inflammatory disorders affecting the joints, muscles, and connective tissues.

Surgery : Medical specialty that involves operative procedures to treat injuries, diseases, and deformities, often requiring manual or instrumental techniques for correction.

Discipline: Physics


Acoustics : Study of sound, including its production, transmission, and effects, involving topics like wave propagation, resonance, and the behavior of sound in different media.

Astrobiology : Interdisciplinary field exploring the potential for life beyond Earth and the conditions necessary for life to arise and thrive in the universe.

Astronomy : Observational and theoretical study of celestial objects, their movements, and the universe as a whole, covering areas such as observational astronomy, astrophysics, and planetary science.

Astrophysics : Application of physics principles to understand celestial objects and phenomena in the universe, such as stars, galaxies, and cosmic radiation.

Atomic and Molecular Physics : Examination of the structure and behavior of atoms and molecules, including spectroscopy, molecular dynamics, and interactions at the quantum level.

Biophysics : Application of physics principles and methods to understand biological processes and structures, addressing topics such as molecular dynamics and biomolecular interactions.

Classical Mechanics : Study of the motion of objects and the forces acting upon them, based on Newton's laws of motion; it provides a framework for understanding the behavior of macroscopic objects.

Condensed Matter Physics : Study of the physical properties of matter in condensed phases, including solids and liquids, exploring phenomena such as superconductivity and phase transitions.

Cosmology : Study of the large-scale structure, origin, evolution, and eventual fate of the universe, addressing questions about its nature, expansion, and cosmic microwave background.

Electromagnetism : Study of the forces and fields associated with electrically charged particles, including concepts such as electric fields, magnetic fields, and electromagnetic waves.

Fluid Dynamics : Investigation of the motion of fluids (liquids and gases), studying phenomena like turbulence, fluid flow, and the principles underlying aerodynamics and hydrodynamics.

Geophysics : Application of physics principles to study the Earth's structure and properties, encompassing areas such as seismology, geothermal energy, and exploration of natural resources.

High-Energy Physics : Study of particle physics at high energies, often involving the use of particle accelerators to explore the fundamental particles and forces in the universe.

Nuclear Physics : Study of the properties and behavior of atomic nuclei, involving nuclear reactions, radioactive decay, and the structure of nuclear matter.

Optics : Investigation of the behavior and properties of light, including the study of reflection, refraction, diffraction, and the interaction of light with matter.

Particle Physics : Exploration of subatomic particles and their interactions, involving high-energy experiments and the study of particle accelerators, colliders, and detectors.

Plasma Physics : Investigation of the behavior of ionized gases (plasmas), which are found in stars, fusion devices, and certain laboratory conditions, studying their properties and applications.

Quantum Field Theory : Framework for combining quantum mechanics with special relativity, providing a comprehensive description of the behavior of subatomic particles.

Quantum Mechanics : Fundamental theory describing the behavior of matter and energy at the atomic and subatomic scale, involving principles such as wave-particle duality and quantum superposition.

Radiation Physics : Study of the properties and effects of ionizing and non-ionizing radiation, with applications in medical imaging, radiation therapy, and environmental monitoring.

Relativity : Physical theories describing the relationships between space and time, including Special Relativity, which deals with objects moving at constant speeds, and General Relativity, which incorporates gravity.

Thermodynamics : Exploration of the principles governing the relationships between heat, work, and energy, providing insights into the behavior of systems in terms of temperature and entropy.

Discipline: Social Sciences


Anthropology: The study of humans and human societies, exploring cultural, social, and biological aspects across time and space.

Archaeology: Uncovering and analyzing artifacts, structures, and remains to understand human history and prehistory.

Communication: Examining the processes of information exchange, verbal and non-verbal communication, and media in human interactions.

Cultural Studies: Analyzing cultural phenomena, including media, art, and literature, to understand their impact on society and individuals.

Demography: The statistical study of populations, focusing on factors like birth rates, death rates, and migration patterns.

Development: Investigating economic, social, and political progress in societies, often with an emphasis on less economically developed regions.

E-Learning: Exploring electronic and online educational platforms, methods, and technologies.

Education: The study of learning processes, educational systems, and their impact on individuals and societies.

Gender Studies: Investigating social constructions of gender and their impact on identity, roles, and power dynamics.

Geography, Planning, and Development: Analyzing spatial patterns, urban planning, and sustainable development practices.

Health: Examining individual and population health, healthcare systems, and the social determinants of health.

Human Factors and Ergonomics: Human Factors and Ergonomics

Law: Investigating legal systems, institutions, and their impact on society and individual behavior.

Library and Information Sciences: Studying information organization, retrieval, and dissemination in libraries and information systems.

Life-span and Life-course Studies: Examining human development and experiences across different stages of life.

Linguistics and Language: Investigating language structure, communication, and linguistic diversity.

Political Science and International Relations: Analyzing political systems, governance, and global political interactions.

Public Administration: Studying the implementation and management of public policies and government agencies.

Safety Research: Investigating strategies to enhance safety in various contexts, from workplaces to transportation.

Social Work: Addressing societal issues through practical interventions, support, and advocacy.

Sociology and Political Science: Studying social structures, institutions, and political systems.

Transportation: Analyzing the movement of people and goods, infrastructure, and the impact of transportation on society.

Urban Studies: Exploring the dynamics of urban areas, including planning, development, and social issues within cities.